Training for workers assisting refugees
CLEO Quarterly Update
Training for workers assisting refugees
Community workers assisting Afghanis and Ukrainians to settle in Canada tuned into two timely webinars hosted by our CLEO Connect team. Our webinar for those assisting Afghan nationals focused on refugee sponsorships and special government programs. And our webinar for those helping Ukrainians focused on the program that allows Ukrainians to come to Canada as temporary residents, as well as information on study permits, work permits, and details about eligibility for income and health benefits. Almost 800 workers registered for the events, and reviews were very positive.
Guided Pathway for responding to elder abuse
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Older people are vulnerable to various forms of abuse and may not be aware of this, or know how to prevent or respond to it. Families and friends may be aware of the abuse but feel powerless to affect the situation.

CLEO's new Guided Pathway for responding to elder abuse, launched this quarter, helps people recognize and respond to elder abuse, whether they are experiencing it themselves, or are concerned for an older adult in their lives. Users of this guided pathway are asked questions about their situation and, based on their answers, receive individualized information to help them develop:
  • a safety plan to help them or an older adult stay safe at home, at work, in public, or online
  • a personalized checklist of important information and next steps
All CLEO's Guided Pathways are free to use.
Child protection flowcharts
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Being involved in the child protection process is very stressful for families -- parents and children. The process can also be very long and confusing.

CLEO has designed three flowcharts to present information about the child protection process in a way that is easy to follow. The flowcharts explain what will happen if:

By clicking on each box in the flowchart, users get more information about what happens at that stage of the process. There is also information relating to Indigenous children; how to get legal help; and how to complain about a CAS worker.
CLEO leader for community support work
CLEO is delighted to announce that we have hired Helen Anderson to lead our training and support programs for community workers. Helen has a strong background in adult education, particularly health education; in access, equity and inclusion; and in academic research. We look forward to learning from Helen, and working with her to improve and expand our programs.
August 2022
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CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario)
180 Dundas Street West, Suite 506
Toronto, ON M5G 1Z8
