Updated information and resources
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February 2024
New legal information from across Ontario
This monthly eblast highlights recent legal information resources from community-based organizations across Ontario. Find more resources in the Your Legal Rights collection on CLEO Connect.  
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Videos for newcomers to Canada

Refugee 613 has short videos to help newcomers find government programs that might benefit them or their families. The videos are available in English, Dari, Pashto, Spanish, Ukrainian, Turkish, Arabic and Swahili. Visit Refugee 613’s Multilingual Info Bank for other resources for newcomers.

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Resources for people experiencing gender-based violence

The Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH) has launched Mulberry, a website for people experiencing gender-based violence who need services and support. The site offers information in over 100 languages, and has a library of resources that can be accessed via the internet or a mobile device.

Tenant and landlord resources

Canadian Centre for Housing Rights has:

  • A guide for private, public, and non-profit landlords in Ontario that explains their responsibilities under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA).
  • A self-advocacy kit for renters to learn about the Ontario Human Rights Code, types of discrimination, the Ontario human rights system, and the steps they can take to advocate for their rights.
  • Printable short resources with information about:
    • Ontario housing law basics
    • human rights in rental housing
    • renters’ rights when facing eviction
    • how to keep records and evidence for use at Landlord and Tenant Board hearings

Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario has:

  • an infographic with 4 steps renters can take if they have problems with heat
  • a blog post with 6 questions renters ask about heat

Visit Steps to Justice for step-by-step information on common legal questions in Ontario. 

Please forward this to colleagues who might find it useful in their work. Do you want to recommend a legal information resource that community workers in Ontario may find useful? Email brenda.doner@cleo.on.ca

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Generously supported by The Law Foundation of Ontario and
Department of Justice Canada 

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