January 2025
Legal information and news from across Ontario
Our monthly newsletter highlights legal information resources, news, and events from CLEO and across Ontario. Find more resources in the Your Legal Rights collection.
Resources from community organizations
Family reunification for accepted refugees
Podcast on chemical sensitivities
ARCH Disability Law Centre discusses the legal rights of people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) in an episode of the Footprints & Impacts podcast. The episode outlines:
- the legal challenges faced by people with MCS
- legal protection in the Canadian and Ontario Human Rights Acts
- the importance of scent-free policies and workplace accommodations
- how the law supports accessibility and inclusion for people with MCS
The episode is also available in French.
Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot
The Muslim Legal Support Centre has a webinar recording about the Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot Program. This program is for skilled refugees and displaced people who want to live permanently in Canada. The webinar explains the program, who’s eligible, and how to apply.
Tip sheet on Employment Insurance (EI)
Waterloo Region Community Legal Services has a tip sheet that explains:
- who is eligible for EI,
- how to apply, and
- what people can do if they’re denied
Rights of whistleblowers in Ontario
Whistleblowing Canada Research Society has videos, a lawyer directory, and other resources to help whistleblowers who work in the public or private sector. A whistleblower is someone, often a worker, who wants to pass on information about wrongdoing they’ve seen.
Upcoming events
The webinar is for health-care providers and settlement workers and will cover recent policy changes and their impact on access to health care.
- Benefits and credits for adults 65+ (12 February)
- Benefits and credits for Indigenous Peoples (26 February)
- Benefits and credits for newcomers to Canada (12 March)
- Benefits and credits for persons with disabilities and their caregivers (December 2024)
- Benefits and credits for students (November 2024)
- Disability Tax Credit (May 2024)
New and upcoming from CLEO Connect
Thanks for your feedback on Steps to Justice
Over 300 community workers responded to our November 2024 request for feedback on CLEO's Steps to Justice. Your feedback is crucial as we know people with legal problems often find Steps to Justice through you.
We were pleased to learn that 85% of respondents found the site easy or very easy to use. On average, you gave the site a rating of 9 out of 10. We learned a lot from your comments and from a focus group we held to follow up.
Your suggestions will guide our training and resources in 2025. Thank you!
In case you missed it
Catch up on recent webinars and news from CLEO:
New legal information from CLEO:
Visit Steps to Justice for reliable and practical information on common legal problems.
Want to recommend a legal information resource that community workers in Ontario may find useful? Email brenda.doner@cleo.on.ca.
Our work is generously supported by The Law Foundation of Ontario and Department of Justice Canada.