Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE) has a newsletter that explains how a new law in Ontario stops companies from using a notice of security interest (NOSI) to scam homeowners. Older adult homeowners were the primary targets of this scam.
Luke’s Place has many resources on family law, including:
- a toolkit, available in English and French, for friends or family members who want to help a woman with children who is leaving an abusive relationship.
- a guide to Case Center, also known as CaseLines, an online document sharing platform that some courts use to share and present court documents
- a free e-learning course for lawyers and professionals involved with the family court system, about parents who do not allow their child to have contact with the other parent
Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario has a blog post on the rules around pets for Ontario renters.
The John Howard Society of Ontario has an infographic on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder & the Criminal Justice System.
Community Legal Aid Services Program (CLASP) has tip sheets that explain how to apply for:
- an Ontario Birth Certificate
- an Ontario Health Card
- an Ontario Photo Card
- a Permanent Resident Card
See the “In case you missed it” section below for a link to webinar with CLASP on Helping clients apply for ID.