Legal information resources from across Ontario
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September 2024
Legal information resources from across Ontario
Our monthly newsletter highlights legal information resources from CLEO and community-based organizations in Ontario. Find more resources in the Your Legal Rights collection
Resources from community organizations

Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE) has a newsletter that explains how a new law in Ontario stops companies from using a notice of security interest (NOSI) to scam homeowners. Older adult homeowners were the primary targets of this scam.

Luke’s Place has many resources on family law, including:

  • a toolkit, available in English and French, for friends or family members who want to help a woman with children who is leaving an abusive relationship.
  • a guide to Case Center, also known as CaseLines, an online document sharing platform that some courts use to share and present court documents
  • a free e-learning course for lawyers and professionals involved with the family court system, about parents who do not allow their child to have contact with the other parent

Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario has a blog post on the rules around pets for Ontario renters.

The John Howard Society of Ontario has an infographic on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder & the Criminal Justice System.

Community Legal Aid Services Program (CLASP) has tip sheets that explain how to apply for:

  • an Ontario Birth Certificate
  • an Ontario Health Card
  • an Ontario Photo Card
  • a Permanent Resident Card

See the “In case you missed it” section below for a link to webinar with CLASP on Helping clients apply for ID.

Events from community organizations
Upcoming webinars Upcoming CLEO Connect Webinars

October 10: Haïti: Comprendre les mesures d'immigration temporaires et spéciales (In French only)

October 15: TTC Riders’ Rights, on the rights of people using Toronto’s transit system

Stay tuned for more details and registration information.

In case you missed it

Catch up on recent webinars and news from CLEO:

Helping clients apply for ID (webinar recording)

La Cour des petites créances et la Commission de la location immobilière : Où aller, pourquoi et quand? (In French only)

Temporary and Permanent Residence Pathways for Child Welfare Survivors – The recording of this September 25 webinar will be shared in our October newsletter. To view it sooner, check if the recording has been posted to the Webinars/Ateliers page on our website. This webinar was presented in partnership with the Black Legal Action Centre and the Refugee Law Office.

CLEO’s On the Radar – New law protects homeowners from costly scam

CLEO’s digital timeline is now complete! Read more about CLEO’s history.

New legal information from CLEO:

I moved to Canada as a child and was taken into care. Can I stay here permanently?

Can my landlord increase rent because of higher taxes?

The CRA says I must pay back the COVID-19 benefit. What can I do?


Visit Steps to Justice for step-by-step information on common legal questions in Ontario. 

Please forward this e-bulletin to colleagues who might find it useful in their work. Want to recommend a legal information resource that community workers in Ontario may find useful? Email

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This work is generously supported by The Law Foundation of Ontario and Department of Justice Canada.

CLEO Legal Information Webinars image

 Ministère de la Justice du Canada

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CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario)
180 Dundas Street West, Suite 506
Toronto, ON M5G 1Z8
