Legal information resources from across Ontario
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August 2024
Legal information resources from across Ontario
Our monthly newsletter highlights legal information resources from CLEO and community-based organizations in Ontario. Find more resources in the Your Legal Rights collection
From community organizations

Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario has answers to 6 common questions Ontario renters ask about having guests over. 

Refugee 613’s multilingual info bank has resources in many languages to help newcomers settle in Canada. You can search for resources by language, topic, and format. For example, it contains factsheets in 15 languages about the rights and responsibilities of a tenant.   

Towards Just Care has launched the Just Care Dreams toolkit. The toolkit is for people who want to improve Ontario’s home care systems. It can help home care receivers and workers find and use supports within the system, as well as make informed choices about how to access and participate.

Courtprep is a website for youth preparing to give evidence as a witness in a court case. It features an interactive virtual courtroom and answers the questions youth may have about being a witness and reporting a crime. It also has information on where victims of a crime can get help. The website is available in English and French.

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario has new factsheets in English and French about intimate partner violence and gender-based violence among older adults. 

Opportunities to get involved 

The Survivors’ Secretariat has a letter-writing campaign to oppose the Government of Canada’s decision to limit funding for investigations into unmarked burials and missing children associated with Indian Residential Schools (IRS). 

The Borderless Access to Education Project is looking for input from K-12 educators in Ontario on school access for students with precarious immigration status. The survey is open to those who work or used to work in an Ontario school board. 

Save the date: Upcoming webinars

September 12: Helping clients apply for ID  

September 18: La Cour des petites créances et la Commission de la location immobilière : Où aller, pourquoi et quand? Available in French only. 

September 25: Permanent Residency Pathway for Survivors of the Child Welfare System 

Stay tuned for further details and registration information. 

New from CLEO Connect

CLEO Connect recently took part in a special panel presentation on Within Bars But Not Without Rights: Legal Information And Library Access for Incarcerated Persons. It was part of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries’ conference. Watch the recording.

In case you missed it

Visit Steps to Justice for step-by-step information on common legal questions in Ontario. 

Please forward this e-bulletin to colleagues who might find it useful in their work. Want to recommend a legal information resource that community workers in Ontario may find useful? Email

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This work is generously supported by The Law Foundation of Ontario and Department of Justice Canada.

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 Ministère de la Justice du Canada

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CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario)
180 Dundas Street West, Suite 506
Toronto, ON M5G 1Z8
