Updated information and resources
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July 2024
New legal information from across Ontario
Our monthly newsletter highlights recent legal information resources from community-based organizations and CLEO. Find more resources in the Your Legal Rights collection on the CLEO Connect website.
From community organizations

Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario has information for tenants when their landlords ask them to sign an agreement to move out. It explains what an N11 form is and a tenant’s rights when asked to sign.  

The Canadian Centre for Housing Rights explains what Ontario housing law says about repairs and maintenance of rental units. It discusses the rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords.

Disability Justice Network Ontario has toolkits for racialized people living with a disability and dealing with the criminal legal system. They also include information that professionals and family and friends can use. The Network also has a printable, plain language toolkit for people in jail. It’s available in various versions, such as large text, dyslexia font and braille. 

Community Living Ontario’s website The Right to Decide has information on the rights of people living with intellectual disabilities. It defines “legal capacity” and supported decision-making, as well as addresses issues with substitute decision-making.

Egale has guides for 2SLGBTQI people and their allies on how to stay safe at public events and protests.

New from CLEO Connect

Libraries & Justice Resource Hub

Do you work at a public library? Are you asked questions about the law from library users? Are you curious about legal resources and services available in your community?

CLEO Connect’s Libraries & Justice Resource Hub can help you and library users find relevant legal information and local services.

In case you missed it

Visit Steps to Justice for step-by-step information on common legal questions in Ontario. 

Please forward this e-bulletin to colleagues who might find it useful in their work. Want to recommend a legal information resource that community workers in Ontario may find useful? Email brenda.doner@cleo.on.ca

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This work is generously supported by The Law Foundation of Ontario and Department of Justice Canada.

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 Ministère de la Justice du Canada

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CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario)
180 Dundas Street West, Suite 506
Toronto, ON M5G 1Z8
