
Part 1: Relocating with children during divorce or separation

 Registration is closed for this event

Amendments to the Divorce Act in 2021 introduced new steps that a parent must take before relocating with their children. This webinar series will provide community workers with practical information and resources to support their clients who are seeking to relocate with children or who have received a notice of relocation. 

Part 1: February 8 2024, 12-1:30pm 

  • What is the difference between a change in residence and a relocation? 
  • What kind of notice has to be provided?  
  • What happens if you don’t provide notice?  

Part 2: February 15 2024, 12-1:30pm 

  • What happens if the other parent opposes the move? 
  • What are some issues a court will consider? 
  • What kind of evidence would be helpful to support the move? 

*Please note that you must register for both webinars individually. 


Min Jin, Staff Lawyer, Luke's Place 
Phebe Quaye, Program Manager, Luke's Place 

ASL Interpretation will be provided for both webinars.  

February 8th, 2024 12:00 pm through  1:30 pm
Online Webinar